Review Cycle

The review cycle should enable you to take a critical look at a seminar paper from the outside. Common pitfalls that you fall into because you have been staring at your own paper for too long will come back into focus. Everyone has a different way of looking at problems, language and graphics. Exchanging ideas is the bread and butter of scientific work. The reviews you receive from other seminar participants allow you to get detailed feedback on your work, revise your submissions and, thus, achieve a better final result.


  • Everyone reads two different student submissions.
  • You will receive the student papers you have been assigned individually from us. The assignment takes place on the next working day after the first submission.
  • Please, hand in your submission via email: (do not send your submission to individual team members)
  • Submission deadline is February 28 (or 29) in winter term and August 31 in summer term.


  • Our experience shows that a meaningful review can be written in no less than 500 words.
  • You may write bullet points and in English.
  • Reviews are usually anonymous for the recipient. You should therefore not write your name in the submitted document. (Of course, we need to know what comes from whom. So send your submission from your student e-mail address as usual).
  • Please note for which paper you have written your review.
  • Provide separate files for each review.


  • In terms of content, a review should be critical, but constructive and friendly. Try to be as objective as possible.
  • If you notice anything particularly positive, mention it.
  • The structure, content and central theme of the paper are essential. Is this clear to the reader? Are the descriptions/explanations understandable or only for experts?
  • You are also welcome to consider our own evaluation criteria: form, language and presentation of your own solution. (For paper-reading seminars, the latter only applies if you have designed and described tests/code that show/highlight the relevant topic).
  • Please also consider our Notes on Seminar Papers.